
The file ni2.rcg_new is created as a result of the TT-RCN program. This file can be used directly with TT-RCG if an atomic calculation (only) is needed. If a crystal field and/or charge-transfer calculation is needed, this file must be modified a bit.

The original file looks like:

   10    1    0   00    4    4    1    1  SHELL00000000  SPIN00000000 INTER8
    0                         80998080            8065.47800    0000000      
    1     2 1 12 1 10         00      9 00000000 0 8065.4790 .00       1   
P 6  D 8    
P 5  D 9    
Ni2+ 2P06 3D08     4     .0000   12.2341    7.5981     .0832     .0000HR99999999
Ni2+ 2P05 3D09     6  860.1660   11.5072     .1022    7.7213    5.7874HR99999999
Ni2+ 2P06 3D08      NI2+ 2P05 3D09         -.18503( 2P//R1// 3D) 1.000HR  36-100


The KCPL control number (I5): fixed format for positions 1 to 5

smaller than 0: end of file
00000: rescaling input-data
00001: calculation is to be done in LS or SL representation
00002: calculation is to be done in JJ representation
00010: BUTLER (crystal-field) input-data.


   10    1    0   00    4    4    1    1 SHELL00000000 SPIN00000000 INTER8

NLEVELS and ELEVELS: Suppression of spectrum line printout in ni2.rcg_out.

  • If NLEVELS not equal to zero, only spectrum lines originating from the lowest NLEVELS levels of each J value of the ground configuration are printed.
  • If ELEVELS not equal to zero, only spectrum lines originating from initial states within an energy ELEVELS times EJN from the lowest are plotted. EJN is the highest energy level belonging the J value.


       10    1    0   00    4    4    1    1 SHELL00000000 SPIN00000000 INTER8
    IBUTLER: If non-zero the reduced matrix elements are written to unit IBUTLER.
  • In case a calculation with RACER is needed, in the first line 00 is replaced with 14. The reduced matrix elements will be wriiten to FORTRAN unit 14, for example fort.014. This temporary file is renamed to ni2.rcg_rme with the scriptfile runrcg.


       10    1    0   00    4    4    1    1 SHELL00000000 SPIN00000000 INTER8
    IUMIN and IUMAX define the reduced multipole matrix elements of U(k) to be calculated.

    All U(k) are calculated for k=IUMIN,IUMAX,2, with the additional limitation that the maximum value of k is equal to 2 times the maximum orbital angular momentum.

    The crystal field is represented by adding electric multipole terms to the spherical Hamiltonian. Such terms must have even k values and two 4's specify that only multipole elements with J=4 should be calculated. For lower symmetries IUMIN should be changed to 2, and for rare earths IUMAX should be changed to 6.

    IRNQ and IRXQ

       10    1    0   00    4    4    1    1 SHELL00000000 SPIN00000000 INTER8
    IRNQ and IRXQ: If IRXQ not blank, n-pole transition matrix elements between two configurations are computed for n=IRNQ,IRXQ,2.

    If blank the value used for n is the difference between the values of SUM[l(i)w(i)] for two configurations.

    Electric dipole transitions are given with IRNQ = IRXQ = 1.


    SHELL designates, for each of the 8 subshells, if the reduced multipole matrix elements of U(k) must be calculated for the initial states (1), the final state (2), both states (3) or none (0).

    For example SHELL03000000 requests that crystal field matrix elements be calculated for the second shell of both the initial and final configurations.


    SPIN designates, for each of the 8 subshells, if the reduced multipole matrix elements of the spin S must be calculated for the initial states (1), the final state (2), both states (3) or none (0).

    For example SPIN10000000 requests that spin matrix elements be calculated for the first shell of the initial state configuration.

    Note that SPIN relates to a spin-only exchange field and not to a magnetic field with its included orbital part.


    INTERn determines that only for the first n shells the Slater integrals and spin-orbit parameters will be included in the calculation.

    Thus, shells higher than n are effectively considered to be non-correlated 'continuum' or 'ligand' shells.

    Scaling Parameters

    The scaling parameters 80998080 are fixed format and need be given at the positions 31 to 38. A scaling parameter of, for example, 80 implies that the original parameter is scaled with 80/100. Except with a scaling parameter of 99 in which case the original parameters are used.

  • 80 at position 31, 32 defines the scaling of the Slater Integrals of electrons within the same shell, for example F(dd)
  • 99 at position 33, 34 defines the scaling of the Spin-orbit coupling. Usually the atomic spin-orbit couplings are used.
  • 80 at position 35, 36 defines the scaling of the Slater Integrals of electrons within different shells, for example F(pd).
  • 80 at position 37, 38 defines the scaling of the exchange Slater Integrals of electrons within different shells, for example G(pd).


    The parameter UENERGY is positioned in line 2 at places 51-60 (F10.5) and determines the energy units of all output.

    The parameter UENRGY is positioned in line 3 at places 51-60 (F10.5) and determines the energy units of all input.

    Often used numbers are:

  • 1.0 defining inverse centimeters
  • 8065.479 defining electron volts
  • 1000.0 defining kiloKayser
  • 109737 defining Rydbergs


    The NSCONF parameters are given at positions 11 to 20.

    Position 11 gives NSCONF (1,1), the number of subshells for parity 1, i.e. the initial state configurations. In case of ni2.rcg it is 2 because one is working with two unfilled subshells, 2p and 3d, unfilled in either the initial or the final state.

    Position 12,13 gives NSCONF (2,1), the number of configurations of parity 1. (there is one, the initial state configuration).

    Position 14,15 gives NSCONF (3,1), the number of successive configurations for which interactions will be included. Normally NSCONF(3,1) will be equal to NSCONF(2,1).

    Position 16 gives NSCONF (1,2), the number of subshells for parity 2, i.e. the final state configurations. In case of ni2.rcg it is 2 because one is working with two unfilled subshells, 2p and 3d, unfilled in either the initial or the final state.

    Position 17,18 gives NSCONF (2,2), the number of configurations of parity 2. (there is one, the initial state configuration).

    Position 19,20 gives NSCONF (3,2), the number of successive configurations (of parity 2) for which interactions will be included.


    The default value of the IABG parameter is zero.

    Values larger than zero imply the inclusion of the effective operator parameters, as described in Cowan, section 16-7.


    The seven KCPLD(j) parameters at positions 31 to 37 give printing instructions concerning the representation number j, for j from 1 to 7.

    KCPLD(9) at position 39 has a default value of 9, which implies that all eigenvalue and Aa prints are turned off. All values larger than 7 delete all eigenvector and purity prints; all values larger than 6 delete all energy matrix prints.

    IMAG and IQUAD

    Position 49 gives the IMAG parameter (default = blank). If IMAG is respectively 1,2 or 3, the magnetic dipole transitions are calculated for the first parity (=initial state), the second parity or both.

    Position 50 gives the IQUAD parameter (default = 0). If IQUAD is respectively 1,2 or 3, the electric quadrupole transitions are calculated for the first parity (=initial state), the second parity or both. (Note that the corresponding value of IQUAD must be used in column 50 of the rcn2.inp file in the program RCN2 in order to calculate the required radial integrals).


    The parameter ISPECC at position 72 defines the way of printing.

    1 prints spectrum lines sorted by levels of first parity

    2 prints spectrum lines sorted by levels of second parity

    9 no print

    Input configurations

    Two lines giving the initial state and final state configurations. Each line can contain up to eight shells. Each shell is given with respectively its orbital quantum number (A1), a two-digit integer (I2) for its occupation, followed by two spaces (2X).

    P 6  D 8  
    = the initial state with 8 d-electrons

    P 5  D 9  
    = the final state with 5 p-electrons and 9 d-electrons.

    There are restrictions on the array sizes for each shell in RCG9. This is important for rare earth calculations, since configurations between f3 and f11 will only fit in the array for the first shell. So for the M45 edge of a rare earth where the configuration lines in the inputfile would typically be D10 F 7 and D 9 F 8, you must change the order to F 7 D10 and F 8 D 9. Consequently, one must also alter the order of the spin-orbit parameters in the parameter list, to be consistent with the new shell order.

    Input parameters: Slater integrals, etc.

    Position 1 to 18 are comment fields used to describe the configuration.

    Position 19,20 (I2) give the number of parameters for that configuration.

    The input parameters as calculated by RCN. All parameters are given with 3 decimals. The fourth decimal is not part of the number but indicates the type of parameter, where

    0 = average energy: .000 gives the average initial state energy and 860.166 the average final state energy

    1 = F(dd) Slater integral: The Slater integrals F2(dd) and F4(dd) are repectively 12.234 and 7.598. Note that the final state has only one 3d hole, hence no dd-interactions.

    2 = spin-orbit coupling: 0.083 is the initial state 3d spin-orbit coupling. It is increased to 0.102 in the final state. The 2p spin-orbit coupling is 11.507. The sequence of spin-orbit parameters is given by the sequence of the unfilled shells.

    3 = F(pd) Slater integral: The Slater integral F2(pd) equals 7.721.

    4 = G(pd) Slater integral: The Slater integrals G1(pd) and G3(pd) are repectively 5.787 and 3.291.

    5 = Auger matrix element: (not present for x-ray absorption)