
The script file runban executes the TT-BAN program. The TT-BAN program is names agsparse. It uses the fortran files FTN14 FTN15, FTN98 and FTN99, as well as fort.50 and fort.44, and depending on the type of calculation several other fort.xx files.

set EPATH = /.../bin           (= directory with excutable tt-ban and datafiles) 

ln -s $1.rme_rcg FTN14
ln -s $1.rme_rac FTN15
ln -s $1.ban fort.50           (= linking all files to correct fortran unit)

${EPATH}/agsparse >>& $1.ban_err (= execute agsparse)

mv fort.44 $1.ban_out          (= rename spectrum outputfile)

rm FTN* fort.*                 (= remove temporary files)