
Calculates all atomic matrix elements needed for a TT-BAN calculation
    0                         99999999            8065.47800     0000000
   10             14    0    0    1    1  INTER0
    1     2 1 12 1 10         00      9 00000000   8065.4780 .00     0 1
P06  D08
P05  D09
Ni2+    1 1
Ni2+    2 1
The section above is the input for the first calculation.
It is a dipole calculation from d8 to p5d9.
The number of interacting shells is set to zero with INTER0. Therefore the two lines below the configuration contain no parameters, but just text.
For a detailed explanation of all numbers see ni2.rcg.
Below: The input for the second calculation.
The dipole calculation from d9L to p5d10L
The ligand states are represented as d-states
    0                         99999999            8065.47800     0000000
   10             14    0    0    1    1  INTER0
    1     3 1 13 1 10         00      9 00000000   8065.4780 .00     0 1
P06  D09  D09
P05  D10  D09
Ni2+    1 2
Ni2+    2 2
    0                         99999999            8065.47800     0000000
   10             14    0    4    0    4  INTER2 shell03000000
    1     3 1 13 1 10         00      9 00000000   8065.4780 .00     0 1
P06  D08  D10
P06  D09  D09
NI2+ 2P06 3D08     4    0.0000   12.2341    7.5971    0.0832    0.0000HR99999999
NI2+ 2P06 3D09     4    0.0000    0.0742                              HR99999999
    0                         99999999            8065.47800     0000000
   10             14    0    4    0    4  INTER2 shell03000000
    1     3 1 13 1 10         00      9 00000000   8065.4780 .00     0 1
P05  D09  D10
P05  D10  D09
NI2+ 2P05 3D09     6    0.0      11.5072    0.1022    7.7213    5.7874HR99999999
NI2+ 2P05 3D10     8    0.0      11.5092                              HR99999999